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Personal Training and Nutrition for Health, Wellbeing and Fitness.

Fitness Plans

Maximum Muscle 12-Week Hypertrophy Plan

Push Pull Legs (PPL) Split

My Personal 5-Day Split

Wanting to gain muscle mass and elevate your physique? Offering a detailed, fully periodised 12-week training period expertly designed to maximise muscle growth whilst minimising fat gain, as well as nutritional guidance with relation to both calories and protein intakes! In just 12 weeks – and for as little as £5 A WEEK! – you have the opportunity to completely transform your physique and mindset!

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Wanting a structured, detailed programme that offers you the opportunity to get serious with your training? Look no further! This plan takes the traditional Push-Pull-Legs split and incorporates an Upper Body-Lower Body aspect! This adaptation provides optimal intensity and volume to all major muscle groups, as well as giving you the freedom and control to follow the plan in a way that suits you best, either for 5 training days a week, or as Week A and Week B! Effective, fun, and affordable, what more could you want!?

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This is a unique programme which details a week of strength training that I perform! If you are wanting to balance strength gains with muscle hypertrophy – this is the perfect plan for you! A mixture of strength-focused high-intensity sessions and hypertrophy volume-based sessions give this plan a huge variety of movements, as well as being super effective for improving your lifts and your aesthetic! Rest days are incorporated strategically to give you time for enjoying other aspects of life!

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